Configure openvpn and setup my cyberghost account

I want to learn how to configure openvpn and if it is possible how to setting up my cyberghost on it!
Thank you!

First and foremost - custom packages is possible but unsupported

Secondly - think - am I the only one ever wanting to do this? The answer is most likely a no - so search

Search engines has a special tag to limit searching to specific sites e.g.

E.g. keywords cyberghost vpn manjaro - if that does not yield anything useful change the search to cyberghost vpn archlinux - and you will find results pointing to

Then search using the package manager - if no results - look in AUR (Pamac settings enable AUR)

You will then find what you are looking for

$ pamac search cyberghostvpn
cyberghostvpn-openresolv                                                                                   1.3.4-3  AUR 
    CyberGhost VPN (with openresolv for clients using NetworkManager)
cyberghostvpn                                                                                              1.3.4-3  AUR 
    CyberGhost VPN
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