I cant install calibre

Manjaro 21 XFCE

sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
[jar@jar-empty ~]$ sudo snap install calibre --edge
error: The publisher of snap "calibre" has indicated that they do not consider
       this revision to be of production quality and that it is only meant for
       development or testing at this point. As a consequence this snap will
       not refresh automatically and may perform arbitrary system changes
       outside of the security sandbox snaps are generally confined to, which
       may put your system at risk.

       If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including
       --devmode; if instead you want to install the snap forcing it into
       strict confinement repeat the command including --jailmode.
[jar@jar-empty ~]$ sudo snap install calibre --jailmode
error: cannot install "calibre": this system cannot honour the jailmode flag
[jar@jar-empty ~]$ sudo snap install calibre --devmode
error: snap "calibre" is not available on stable but is available to install on
       the following channels:

       edge       snap install --edge calibre

       Please be mindful pre-release channels may include features not
       completely tested or implemented. Get more information with 'snap info
[jar@jar-empty ~]$ sudo snap install --edge calibre
error: The publisher of snap "calibre" has indicated that they do not consider
       this revision to be of production quality and that it is only meant for
       development or testing at this point. As a consequence this snap will
       not refresh automatically and may perform arbitrary system changes
       outside of the security sandbox snaps are generally confined to, which
       may put your system at risk.

       If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including
       --devmode; if instead you want to install the snap forcing it into
       strict confinement repeat the command including --jailmode.

While snaps is available - it is unsupported technology.

You are on your own.

Thanks, now its all right

Another option is to use the build script from aur (this script uses the binary pakcages referenced on calibre web)

No need - just install from the repo

sudo pacman -Syu calibre

Why not the repository version? sudo pacman -S calibre
Edit: It installs successfully for me (Manjaro Stable XFCE edition)

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Good question - I didn’t know it was in the repos. Thank you for making me aware of this.

Calibre has always been difficult to get running - I had no idea it was in the repo and in that case it would be more correct to use that package.

sudo pacman -Syu calibre
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