There is definitely the need of it for new users, that only click on “apply” in pamac and don’t read the log. We have the Manjaro Notifier to notify for unsupported kernels, pacnews are just as important as we saw with the removal of the extra repo. So for me this actually belong there in the long run. On the short term i think this should be shipped and enabled by default on new installs. Even if it is only in english for now.
We actually discussed it recently here
Congratulations for the script, if looks very nice. My 2-3 cents @Ste74 when i look at the source:
- isn’t 10 minutes a bit too frequently and waste of CPU? At least make it an hour or so?
- meld and yad are not installed by default, i hope you marked them as dependencies (cannot check my mirrors seem not to be updated yet)
- you have a tiny spelling error #Cicla / #Circle