How to install duckduckgo

does anyone know where I can get a duckduckgo install that is compatible with manjaro?

What do you mean? Just go to

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That link allows you to add it as an extension to firefox. I’m hoping to download the actual browser that functions independently of firefox

AFAIK that’s the Privacy essentials. I have and use that myself. IIRC the only standalone browser by duckduckgo is for Android…

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There is no browser for Linux (yet). Now they offer browser for Mac, iOS, Android and beta for Windows. And of course extensions for many browsers.

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They offer a Windows browser and a Mac browser, but nothing for Linux just yet, so maybe you can try to download the windows version and install with Wine? I’m not sure it would work, though.

Edit: Sorry but @Tomek just posted a minute before me, didn’t see it. Sorry for a potential duplicate answer.