Change Manjaro XFCE live usb resolution at startup

Hello Manjapeople!

I’m trying to boot the XFCE live USB on a computer plugged in a 4K TV a bit… difficult when it comes to 4K with a computer and so, as X tries to run in the displays native resolution, I end up with a black screen/no signal.

Using video=1920x1080 as a boot argument, I can get to TTY2 (by pressing Ctrl-alt-F2), which is a start.

Do you have any idea how I can force LightDM to run in 1080p on a live system? Or change the display resolution without using the GUI? Once installed it’s easy but before that, I can’t find anything.

I’m starting to think that I have to use buildiso to use a different xorg.conf but my first attempt didn’t work out great.

Thanks to anyone taking the time to read this post and have a nice day!

As you see the problem is that your 4k monitor seems to have a non-standard resolution/frequency which was not detected by KMS

At section you see how to set it on start.

My guess is that the frequency is wrong on 4k, which leads to a black screen.

Working on the refresh rate is a good idea but it didn’t work. The TV doesn’t give me a no signal but nothing more than a black screen.

To add some bits of info, if I I plug my desktop PC running Manjaro too (Gnome and Xorg) in the brandless TV, I can simply set the resolution to 4K@60 without any issue.

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