Can't play 60fps video on youtube

Thanks for the information.

I can see that your CPU is running at a very low frequency(798Mhz) while being fully loaded. This is not OK, and if the reported frequency is correct, it explains why you cannot watch the video. I can also see that your system is running the intel_cpufreq scaling driver instead of intel_pstate. There have seen several reports mentioning this as an issue, resulting in decreased CPU frequency.

Set CPU scaling driver to intel_p-state
[SOLVED] No intel_pstate driver since kernel 5.8.

Therefore I would start by checking whether enabling the intel_pstate driver improves the issue.

Force the kernel to use intel_pstate driver by using a kernel command intel_pstate=active:

  • open grub config file by tiping sudo nano /etc/default/grub
  • insert intel_pstate=active in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, so for example it might look like this:
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet apparmor=1 intel_pstate=active security=apparmor udev.log_priority=3"
  • save using CTRL+S and exit using CTRL+X
  • update grub by running sudo update-grub
  • reboot
  • verify that the scaling driver is active by running tlp-stat -p. You should see that
    /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver = intel_pstate

Afterwards, check your CPU frequency, and CPU usage and please report back. Test it with both webrender enabled and disabled (and remember to restart firefox when switching).

Another option - if this does not improve the situation - is to change the scaling governor to performance, but I would personally wait and see whether this brings an improvement.

Regarding the use of webrender in Firefox - in my case, it actually results in more lost frames because it increases GPU load, (however overall it results in a smoother browsing experience). Just keep this in mind and preferably test the system with both configurations.

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