Can't launch any games on Steam

Since EOS is essentially the same as Arch and thus Manjaro - perhaps you still know how you did it there or still have access to a backup in order to have a look at /etc/fstab there and spot a difference? :man_shrugging:

All this is speculation because I don’t play games and have zero experience with steam or such.
Just going by what I see in the logs you posted.

How is that drive mounted at /run/media? If it’s a Windows NTFS drive then it needs to be mounted with the correct options - Using a NTFS disk with Linux and Windows · ValveSoftware/Proton Wiki · GitHub

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This may be the issue.

After the install, I’ll try this method.


Edit: btw if that’s the issue I’m ending myself right there. I wasted too much of my and other’s time for this

It’s now installed, I’m installing Nvidia’s drivers using this :

sudo mhwd --force --install pci video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-prime

And I’ll mount my second SSD using the method MrLavender provided

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Guess what ?

Thanks to all of you for having took the time to help me :')

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