After latest stable update my computer won’t boot

Yeah after this update my computer won’t boot. It just sits on “Republic of Gamers” and I can’t ctrl+alt+F2… no terminal shows after holding it.
What do I do?

I just rollback through a bootable USB.

shell copy from How to rollback pacman updates in Arch Linux

grep -a upgraded /var/log/pacman.log| grep 2021-12-18 > /tmp/lastupdates.txt
awk '{print $4}' /tmp/lastupdates.txt > /tmp/lines1;awk '{print $5}' /tmp/lastupdates.txt | sed 's/(/-/g' > /tmp/lines2
paste /tmp/lines1 /tmp/lines2 > /tmp/lines
tr -d "[:blank:]" < /tmp/lines > /tmp/packages
cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
for i in $(cat /tmp/packages); do sudo pacman --noconfirm -U "$i"*; done

I’ll give it a shot, thanks!