Can't boot from encrypted installation on dualbooting

Hello everybody! I’m not a native English speaker so I’m sorry if there’s some gibberish between my words.

I am a Fedora user and I want to move on switching to Manjaro until I feel enough confortable to make the complete switch.
I’m used to LUKS and I chose that my Manjaro installation will be encrypted as well (I set up encryption using Calamares) but then throws me basically the same error like in this post.
I didn’t care since I would like to keep using the Fedora’s GRUB menu (if possible) and I though that by decrypting the partition and using something like os-prober will detect the installation but as expected it didn’t work.
I found that there’s an EFI file that it will help me boot to Manjaro.

usr@pc ~> sudo lsd /boot/efi/EFI/Manjaro
[sudo] password for usr: 
 grubx64.efi

I booted that entry from a GParted Live ISO and it works but nobody in the Fedora community helped me to add Manjaro to it’s GRUB and I couldn’t find any useful information in the Internet. In that case, I’ll probably use the Manjaro’s GRUB menu and add Fedora to it but Fedora is encrypted too and I don’t want to mess up everything specially with an OS that I don’t understand enough.

So what can I do to use Manjaro’s GRUB instead of Fedora’s one (if I should do that) and add Fedora to it? Thanks for your time reading. :smiley:

You probably should since AFAIK other distros have problems auto-detecting Manjaro. I think grub reinstall from within Manjaro would suffice - GRUB/Restore the GRUB Bootloader - Manjaro.
Another option is to create a custom entry in Fedora’s grub.

Please note that I’m not using GRUB so I might be wrong.

Not when the installation is encrypted and not when the installation is created by Calamares.

Calamares puts grub configuration inside the encrypted root.

Although the installer will tell you it is insecure - it is possible to manually create a system with unencrypted boot.

Hi there! I was messing up with this information and I noticed something: I installed Manjaro using UEFI and it’s weird that when I boot to it and update using pacman -Syu always throws me an invalid or corrupted PGP signature error but when I install Manjaro in CSM (BIOS) nothing of that happens. I can perfectly install it encrypted without any issues and update the system without any issues.

Does this mean that my PC is kinda not compatible with Manjaro? I don’t want to use CSM just to use Manjaro.

The only difference is the boot method - Manjaro Linux works exactly the same whichever method is used.

If you ask an old sysadmin like me - dual-boot should be avoided and Windows should be in a virtual machine on a modern computer.

Some oldtimers prefer a BIOS/MBR boot - perhaps caused by the hardware in use - but modern computers is capable of so much more … given a decent cpu and enough ram

So that means that probably this issues may be caused by dualbooting?

and that might be your issue - the reason for it

Use Manjaro’s Grub to do the work.
Use it to detect and boot the rest.
Ditch the Fedora one.

I cannot say - but it is a distinct possibility

In order for Fedora grub to detect Manjaro OS it would need to know it is there - which it cannot because it is encrypted - the whole point of encryption is to hide your presence - quite simple when you think of it :slight_smile: