Cannot open my .heif images in Gwenview

The OP seems to desperately want there to be…


Quick question;

Did you ever see The Matrix franchise?

There is no spoon.

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This is the last thing I’ll say here:

  • my current phone is a Samsung Galaxy A40
  • I opened my camera app and changed the settings so that pictures I take will be saved as .heic /. heif
  • then I took some pictures
  • then I transferred them from the phone to my machine
  • then I opened them using gwenview in an up to date Manjaro Plasma VM

It works - not problem at all.

your sample file remains the only one being problematic :man_shrugging:


Indeed! So, for problematic / incompatible files, conversion is the only sensible option.

I’d be tempted to alter the title to add “non-standard” or something, but I will resist.

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I have no such resistance to that temptation;

given that the title is simply wrong in context of information provided by others; and especially, information from a heif/heic addon developer who has taken the time to create a Manjaro forum account to respond.


@AdrianM, you have always the option to use the programs that work with your heif files, like:

eye of mate, eye of gnome, gimp.

There is also the option, to configure your smartphone, to create .jpg files.

I would do the last one.

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GIMP requires libheif, that includes;

  • heif-info to show information about HEIC/HEIF files
  • heif-convert to convert images
  • heif-dec and heif-enc to decode and encode images

libheif is also a dependency of geeqie and oculante
and an optional dependency of imagemagick

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I just tried opening the image in GIMP on the other machine, which I haven’t explicitly added any .heif stuff to, and it works. :wink:

The problem is that HEIF/HEIC files created by Xiaomi 14 phones are not in full harmony with standards.

The files have invalid value in “matrix coefficients”

Gwenview decode HEIF files via Qt plug-in from kimageformats.

The plug-in uses strict decoding for security reasons and invalid files are rejected.

If we don’t use the strict decoding, the file would be decodable, but potential of security risk would be higher.

Ideal solution would be that Xiaomi customers request the Xiaomi company to update their software to generate 100% compatible files.

There is no problems with files created by iPhone or Samsung phones.



The referenced bug report only supports the information kindly provided in post #64 by @novomesk.

I am closing this thread as solved.