Cannot get into Software to change Browser/

502 Bad Gateway nginx/ (Ubuntu) ??? I saw this back in 2022 but now it is back.

We’re going to need a little more info than that. Please edit your topic title to be clear and concise and edit your post to include more info to help us help you.

Please see:

When I start up, the Hello menu comes up. In the Center collum is “Software”. I click on that and I get the above Error message! I looked it up in Search and the most recent was 2022, so, no occurrences complained about since then? It takes someone with access to the site to fix the problem. This is as concise as I get.

In other words, you are currently unable to access the website

Other methods to install software include:

  • “Add/Remove Software”: a GUI that may be accessed via your desktop environment’s menu
  • pamac: a command-line tool
  • pacman: a command-line tool

Seems down for everyone.

If that site is believed to be accurate it has been this way for over 1 week.

Sorry, it has been decades since I used Linux and the command line is not my friend! This is a fresh install on this computer. I have no other access than the Forum I am using with my old username. Even Firefox is different. I prefer Google Chromium, I had that on Windows, Edge is all about Windows, you cannot even delete it, it is wrapped up in all of the system.

That’s fine. However, you apparently purposely ignored what I said and did not do what I politely asked you to do.

This is a support forum, not social media. There are rules and users are expected to have common courtesy.

Topic temporarily hidden from the public until the user adheres to forum rules.