Cannot build any AUR package due unreachable

I was about to build and AUR package (a calculator) but I was greeted by
Failed to build acalc-git. Long story short: I got the same error with any AUR package, so I tried by using yay, and I got:
request failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

As i try to ping or go to I always got a 404 error. And seems that is not just for me:

What is happening?

Works fine on my end…

Could be a regional thing, since dfeojm checks from closest to your region.

:white_check_mark: It’s just you. is up.

You’re right, now is up. But compare these 2 screenshots as proof:

So was just a temporary défaillance… Sorry for the noise.

Feel free to close this discussion.


image credit: tbg (IIRC)

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