Can only open certain webpages

Did you tried accessing it using the IP address for it which you find in DHCP client list on your router and see if you can access its settings?

Used my wifi card same problems.

Cant even access my router settings on my pc by connecting to it’s ip so i doubt this will work.

From your phone? Your phone has no issues when connecting through the extender (unless I read it wrong.)

I can access my router on my phone just not my pc or the extender.

Okay, so then from your phone, while connected through the extender (make sure it’s connecting through the extender, not to your router’s WiFi), can you access or the extender’s IP address?)

Use any browser on your phone, should work: Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Samsung Browser, any of them

While using the extended wifi i can log into my router just not mywifiext and if i use the non extended wifi it says to connect on the extended and try again. But when i do use the extend wifi it either wont load or show the same problem.

What’s the extender’s IP address? Did you try that from your phone’s web browser?

It might be something like

You can find it in DHCP client list on your router.

Just tried the extenders IP unable to connect.

I can see a list of devices connected out of them the only ones that stand out are 2 unknowns and that theres no extender. Which im amusing is on of the unknowns

One of them would have to be the extender…

From your phone’s browser, try to enter in your setup extender typing these ip in the address bar.

Small problem. Just noticed the list only shows MAC addresses not ip’s

Scratch that found them.

I am unable to connect to both of the unknowns from my phone.

Does the extender happen to share the same SSID as you’re router’s WiFi? Just to confirm you’re connecting through your extender when you try this on your phone.

Since it’s a Netgear extender, using or the IP address, will take you to the dashboard if you’re connecting through it.

Im not sure.

Then how do you know your phone is connecting through your extender when it “works”?

Because i connect to "name of my wifi"ext.

Okay, so they have different “SSIDs” then. (The “names” you see when viewing a list of WiFi networks.)

If you can’t upgrade the firmware and there’s nothing else to try, maybe consider buying a new extender or relocating / positioning the router so thar your PC’s WiFi can reach it with a good signal.