Can a Kate session that became "lost" be recovered?

I don’t know what I did except a number of restarts and shutdowns but all properly done, no holding down of the start button; but, for some reason, one of my saved sessions in Kate no longer has any files in it. It’s still comes up in session manager but when selected shows recent files only.

I was trying to use the OS sessions and it sort of works a bit but have been doing so for about a month and it never damaged a Kate session. However, I think it may have happened due to this, in part, in that when the OS sessions partly restore, Kate opens at the its restore session window. I had two desktops open with a different session of Kate open in each desktop. When the OS session restores, both Kate session windows open in the same desktop. I usually close one and re-open in the other desktop. Tonight I tried the “move to desktop 2” two option before restoring the session, and that may be when the files in that session log were overwritten/dropped.

Whining a bit, now, perhaps, but I had a lot of files in split view in that session (for about two years now) and would really like to get it back, simply because I don’t really remember what they all were.

Is there any way to recover that session?

I found what appears to be the session files in /home/gary/.local/share/kate/sessions. There is a folder at that same level called stash that has all the sessions as folders in it but they are all empty. I’m going to have to start backing up the session files each night also because this happened once before.

Thank you.

back-in-time has this handled for me.

I can grab my Kate/sessions folder from my backups in the folder /mnt/T3/BackInTime/backintime/SteelLegend/ben/1/

You can go with hourly, daily, weekly, whatever you want.


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