Calamares does not start

I build a ISO using buildiso -b testing -k linux517 using this update but calamares won’t start.

>>> calamares: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

but kpm 22.04.0-1 has installed. it seems that this is related to this issue: Calamares Installer won't start on Manjaro Plasma Daily ISO


stable 3.2.53-2
testing 3.2.53-3
unstable 3.2.53-3

This issue still not fixed?

But I do not want unstable branch ISO, I found GitHub - manjaro/release-review: Monthly Review-ISOs for Manjaro Linux has testing branch ISO, but it has not updated with 4.25 update.

See Calamares Seg Faults after modules load

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