Broadcom-wl-dkms should install needed kernel headers if it's not installed

Hi I just want to inform you that the Broadcom-wl-dkms package does not install the needed kernel header needed to install the package and I believe that should be added to the dependencies of the MAKEPKG build file so the process is automated for user especially new ones without any confusions or false reports that it isn’t working with their wifi cards. :slight_smile:

Kernel headers are in the optional dependencies for dkms, because the dependency lists cannot know what kernel you have installed, so it can’t really guarantee that the right headers would be installed.

But, since the dkms package is actually from Arch, it has no way of knowing what kernels even exists in Manjaro, so it can’t have a Manjaro kernel header as a dependency.


Ahh I see that’s a pain but I can understand that, thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

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