Booster for initramfs?

No compression used, just a simple root file system mounted via NFS and then the overlayfs to prevent changes to the file system.

But now that you mention it… compression… hmm.

I do not know if this is also in your current project also but if it is did you also make this change in the config file:

# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA2_ARM64_CE is not set

That config change was needed because it caused booster to fail to boot, as it stops/fails if a module fails to load. But by going without an initramfs, no need for booster so no need to make that change. Although I do think it is a valid change, since it will not load.

And yes, this initramfs stuff is for the same project. Now I can remove the dracut package, the RPi4 will boot faster and with significantly less load on the tftp server by reducing the files from a total of 39M to 22M that needs to be transmitted, per client… which adds up.

Agree since they choose to not have support on the broadcom chip at this time. I am still not over them choosing not having mpeg HW decoding support for the pi4. Maybe things will change with the pi5.

Rats… it would seem from my testing, that systemd.volatile=overlay requires an initramfs to be able to do its thing. So much for the plans of mice and men.

Too bad. Both linux-rpi4 and linux-rpi4-mainline upgraded today so building new kernels… No -rc as of yet though.

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