Bluetooth sound not working

Here is the error.


There doesn’t seem to be any posts related to this when I searched.

[demo@Manjaro ~]$ systemctl status bluetooth
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-12-03 15:43:19 EST; 4h 48min left
 Invocation: 7bf415531e9d40aca81835caa35ebe1f
       Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
   Main PID: 1101 (bluetoothd)
     Status: "Running"
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 18578)
     Memory: 2.4M (peak: 2.9M)
        CPU: 78ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
             └─1101 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

Dec 03 10:44:57 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: src/service.c:btd_service_connect() a2dp-source profile connect failed for 08>
Dec 03 10:45:07 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: src/profile.c:record_cb() No SDP records found for Hands-Free unit
Dec 03 10:45:07 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: profiles/audio/avdtp.c:avdtp_connect_cb() connect to 08:A6:BC:52:27:F3: Conne>
Dec 03 10:45:07 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: src/service.c:btd_service_connect() a2dp-source profile connect failed for 08>
Dec 03 10:48:45 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: src/profile.c:record_cb() No SDP records found for Hands-Free unit
Dec 03 10:48:46 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: profiles/audio/avdtp.c:avdtp_connect_cb() connect to 08:A6:BC:52:27:F3: Conne>
Dec 03 10:48:46 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: src/service.c:btd_service_connect() a2dp-source profile connect failed for 08>
Dec 03 10:51:00 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: src/profile.c:record_cb() No SDP records found for Hands-Free unit
Dec 03 10:51:00 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: profiles/audio/avdtp.c:avdtp_connect_cb() connect to 08:A6:BC:52:27:F3: Conne>
Dec 03 10:51:00 Manjaro bluetoothd[1101]: src/service.c:btd_service_connect() a2dp-source profile connect failed for 08>
# Restricts all controllers to the specified transport. Default value
# is "dual", i.e. both BR/EDR and LE enabled (when supported by the HW).
# Possible values: "dual", "bredr", "le"
ControllerMode = bredr

I removed the bluetooth speaker and re paired it and it stayed connected with no error however there is no sound coming out of the speaker now.

Sorry for the false alarm.
After running pavucontrol and selecting the speaker I got sound.

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Please provide the output of:


Sorry it was working and then just disconnected.

demo@Manjaro ~]$ rfkill
 0 wlan      phy0   unblocked unblocked
 1 bluetooth hci0   unblocked unblocked

My post disappeared.

Ooops, that might have been me. Sorry. :smile_cat:

I listed it again.

I’m afraid I can’t help you other than what I mentioned. This is one of the reasons I stubbornly refuse to use bluetooth for anything other than my smartwatch, and that’s only because I have no other choice.

Nope. Not this time. It was me.

1 Like

Same here with no other choice.
Could you post my last message to you in here?

Probably a routing problem. In Plasma I can select which Audio device to use, and I see you use Plasma, so maybe that helps:

Now the test sound won’t play.

I have an arch install on this laptop and I can get the speaker working there.
So there must be something the settings for the sound card I have messed up here.
Unless someone tells me different I am going to reconfigure sound card.

Ok not sure what fixed this issue . I am so sorry I tell you exactly what did it.
I did run this command:

sudo pacman -S sof-firmware sof-tools

It didn’t work right away.
I did reboot and it started working. So I think the sof-firmware was the key but I am not 100% sure.

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