Bluetooth mouse doesn’t work after reboot or awake


Since yesterday, I have a problem with my Bluetooth mouse.

When I boot or wake my laptop, the mouse appear as connected, but doesn’t work. I have to delete peripheric and redo the pairing manip, and it works perfectly… Until the next shutdown or sleep.

I don’t know how to diagnose that.

Arch wiki might be helpful:

maybe its just me, but when I needed help with Bluetooth no one helped, this worked for me, give it a try. bluetooth doesnt connect

@Wollie : I tried this. (The device is not the same, but symptoms are the same). It didn’t help.

@guillopacheco : thanks, but it didn’t work neither.

try deleting sudo rm -r /var/lib/bluetooth/ reboot, and pair all the bluetotoh devices again

As I wrote above : I tried and it didn’t work

maybe try the latest firmware found in the unstable branch, other kernel, other than that, help is not coming from here, in my experience.

Ok, now it works. I don’t know why. I didn’t make any update. I don’t think I changed anything. I don’t understand neither why it stopped working nor why it works now.