Then you will have to use linux61 until vmware catch up with the recent kernels.
- perhaps it is a host issue
- perhaps it is a damaged iso
Let me take a custom build of vmware for a ride - see what turns up.
Using a Manjaro host system on Linux 6.6 (Linux 6.7 RC fails)
Build vmware-workstation from AUR
Using the ISO labeled manjaro-kde-23.1.0-minimal-231214-linux66.iso
Creating a VM with
- 2 CPU
- 4G RAM
Yes - the screen goes black - but have some patience and it will boot
$ inxi -SM
Host: manjaro Kernel: 6.6.7-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64
Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 5.27.10 Distro: Manjaro Linux
Type: Vmware System: VMware product: VMware Virtual Platform v: N/A
serial: <superuser required>
Mobo: Intel model: 440BX Desktop Reference Platform
serial: <superuser required> BIOS: Phoenix v: 6.00 date: 11/12/2020