Black screen on boot and does not update the system due to 'adw-gtk3' 'adw-gtk-theme'

This means nothing is happening.

If you are sure you dont have pacman running already then you can do:

sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck

Then proceed with

The first command will attempt to update and pipe the output to a file.
The second command will paste the file to 0x0 and produce a link.

Please share the link.

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I did everything exactly as you said. This is the link I just received:

It is very strange there is not more data there.

In any case I cannot help without the actual information.

The typed out snippet above

Is closer … but still must be missing portions.

I will also note that given the nature of your error, and the packages that seem to be involved … you are also dealing with a very out of date and unmaintained system.

If we cannot see the issue in full, and if you cannot fix it yourself, then we may have to simply suggest you back up important information and install using a current Manjaro ISO.

First, lets try again and go about this a different way…

We know adw-gtk3 does not exist in the repos or the AUR.
And we know that your system has a package that wants it for some reason.
Maybe we can find out what that is with the following:

pacman -Qi adw-gtk3 | curl -F 'file=@-'

This will similarly pipe the output to 0x0 and should create a paste link.


First ignore all dependency checks and remove the adw-gtk3 (normally never use this flag!), and then the update should be able to continue. At least from this issue.

sudo pacman -Rdd adw-gtk3
sudo pacman -Syu 
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During the update, everything went smoothly - the packages were downloaded, but the process ended with this line.
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Next, I did a reboot and tried to repeat the update. This is what happened

sudo pacman -Syu --overwrite '/usr/lib/locale/*'

From a very quick scan of this thread, it looks like your system is a year out-of-date. Kernel 5.15.131 was released on 06-Sep-2023, and kernel 5.15.132 replaced it on 19-Sep-2023: Index of /pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/

The glibc issue looks like the one mentioned (and for which instructions to fix were provided) in the “Known issues and solutions” section of the Stable Update thread from 2023-10-13:

It looks like you have either recently installed a very outdated ISO of Manjaro or, if you have had Manjaro installed for a year or so, then you have not been maintaining your system correctly and keeping an eye on the Latest Announcements/Stable Updates topics - Manjaro Linux Forum

There we go
finally we see what is happening

things already exist

and need to be overwritten

… what @cscs said

or you could also try to remove
and try the update again

the package glibc-locales is not essential

however: the package glibc is essential
and things already present need to be overwritten
… the first 12 lines in your output …

The following command would have remedied the glibc-locales issue at the time it was topical; taken from my notes:

sudo glibc-locales --overwrite /usr/lib/locale/\*/\* && sudo pacman update -Syu

I can’t guarantee how relevant it might be after all this time.

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I was able to update the system and got rid of the black screen. Now everything works as before. Thanks guys for the help.

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Worked for me. Many thanks.

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