Black Screen after latest update. Does not boot

No. Nothing changed :cry:

I tried a complete sync again and get this:

Synchronizing package databases...
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.
Warning: Building packages as dynamic user
Warning: Setting build directory to /var/cache/pamac
Synchronizing package databases...
Refreshing AUR...                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Checking gcc11-libs dependencies...                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Checking python-progress dependencies...
Checking gcc11 dependencies...
Checking inception dependencies...
Checking libkipi dependencies...
Checking gnome-icon-theme dependencies...
Checking python-anytree dependencies...
Checking ceph-libs dependencies...
Checking metis dependencies...
Checking openssl-1.0 dependencies...
Checking python2 dependencies...
Checking qt5-webkit dependencies...
Choose a provider for java-runtime:
1:  jre-openjdk    20.0.2.u9-3   extra
2:  jre11-openjdk  11.0.20.u8-2  extra
3:  jre17-openjdk  17.0.8.u7-1   extra
4:  jre8-openjdk   8.382.u05-1   extra

Enter a number (default=1): 1

Choose a provider for java-environment:
1:  jdk-openjdk    20.0.2.u9-3   extra
2:  jdk11-openjdk  11.0.20.u8-2  extra
3:  jdk17-openjdk  17.0.8.u7-1   extra
4:  jdk8-openjdk   8.382.u05-1   extra

Enter a number (default=1): 1

Resolving dependencies...
Choose a provider for java-runtime:
1:  jre-openjdk    20.0.2.u9-3   extra
2:  jre11-openjdk  11.0.20.u8-2  extra
3:  jre17-openjdk  17.0.8.u7-1   extra
4:  jre8-openjdk   8.382.u05-1   extra

Enter a number (default=1): 1

Choose a provider for java-environment:
1:  jdk-openjdk    20.0.2.u9-3   extra
2:  jdk11-openjdk  11.0.20.u8-2  extra
3:  jdk17-openjdk  17.0.8.u7-1   extra
4:  jdk8-openjdk   8.382.u05-1   extra

Enter a number (default=1): 1

Checking inter-conflicts...
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- unable to satisfy dependency 'gcc11-libs=11.3.0-5' required by gcc11

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N]```

So the problem is only at the AUR packages and the base system is fine(ish). Or at least up to date.

And then the next question is what’s with that nvidia, where did you get the driver from, is it also from aur?


That was your problem … and then apparently you went and removed gcc and kept the AUR gcc-11 ?
Thats very broken.

sudo pacman -Syu gcc gcc-libs
sudo pacman -Rns gcc11 gcc11-libs

Or maybe the other way around if they dont conflict.

( only slightly different than this thread with gcc10 Gcc10-libs conflict with gcc12 during update - #3 by cscs … why is everyone replacing their gcc? … either there is a general psychosis going around … or maybe its pamac at it again :sweat_smile: )


You can list all of your AUR packages with

pacman -Qm

And removing them all if you decide to go that way will then be

pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qmq)

You can make a list beforehand to restore later.


Nope. I created that command to only upgrade AUR packages if the main ones were successfully upgraded. At is says:

There was an error upgrading the system. AUR packages not upgraded.


There was an error upgrading the system.


AUR packages not upgraded.


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I’m guessing general psychosis, because mine’s fine:

$ pamac search -i gcc
lib32-gcc-libs  13.2.1-3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 core
32-bit runtime libraries shipped by GCC
gcc-libs  13.2.1-3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       core
Runtime libraries shipped by GCC
gcc  13.2.1-3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            core
The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends

$ pamac list -i | grep -i gcc
gcc                                   13.2.1-3                      core      193.1 MB
gcc-libs                              13.2.1-3                      core      150.9 MB
lib32-gcc-libs                        13.2.1-3                      core      118.7 MB
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Mine’s fine too, cause i keep rolling with the distro and use the repos (mostly :rofl: ).


This seems to be the same problem as in this solved thread here

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Thanks everyone for the input!
I took cscs’s advice about reinstalling gcc11 and then Teo’s suggestion of just removing all the AUR packages, and that got me back to the desktop. I’ll have to see now if I actually needed any of those AUR packages for anything important. If not, I’ll keep that preference switched off when making updates.
Anyway, you’re amazing! Thank you!

I didnt say that.
I said remove the AUR gcc’s.
gcc10, gcc11, or any other one you might have installed.

Teo gave you a command to simply uninstall all foreign packages that arent a requirement of others … a kind of spray and pray solution that may have accidentally worked if nothing depended on those alien gcc’s (which also begs the question - why were they installed then?)

My only suggestion was to install the correct gccs (gcc and gcc-libs) and remove the others.

( which is also the only technically correct answer :wink: )


@cscs is of course right. His is the correct solution to the gcc mess problem.

What worrys me is the fact that we don’t have an answer of the question WHY (does the OP have gcc10 from AUR when we have gcc13 in the repo). It’s a rolling release. While technically possible, installing old versions of important libraries is not a good idea as we just saw. So maybe he has other very old and very problematic packages from aur. Breaking other things. Now or in the future. That is exactly why the disclaimer “aur is unsupported” is there. So cleaning up with the big axe is of course a desperate and brutal thing to do, but worth considering.
I actually meant remove all AUR. I see just now i have made a typo and the

pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qmq)

(Clean aur only if nothing depends on it)
Should have been

pacman -Rdd $(pacman -Qmq)

(Clean all aur and don’t care about dependencies… Because nothing in the repos can depend on aur, it is always the other way around)

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Sorry for miscrediting you. I did take your advice and used your suggested solution though.

Oh dear, I used what you suggested, typo and all, but it seemed to work. I also took the precaution of making a copy of all the listed installed AUR packages first, as suggested, just in case.
God knows how everything got into this mess! I’ve been running Manjaro for a few years now. I generally only update, using the GUI, when prompted. However, I remember, in the past I’ve had to fiddle under the hood with NVIDIA related stuff to get Davinci Resolve working and, as you can see, I’m no expert!

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