BIOS Boot UEFI Lockdown

First of all I’m sorry if my English is not good enough.

I tried to install a SSD to dual boot and now the computer doesn’t work.
First I unplugged the previous drives because I wanted to have a blind dual boot.
I wanted Windows not to see Linux and Linux not to see Windows.
I did not managed to install Win11 so I unplugged the SSD I wanted to use for Windows.
I plugged all the drives I had and rebooted.
Nothing works anymore.
When I boot I see a message like grub-rescue lockdown.

I think I haven’t changed anything in the BIOS but I tried all the combinations I’ve found to make the system work again.

1 - FastBoot = Enabled & Secure Boot = Other … “grub rescue lockdown”
2 - FastBoot = Disabled & Secure Boot = Other … “grub rescue lockdown”
3 - FastBoot = Enabled & Secure Boot = UEFI … BIOS message "Secure boot violation / Changes on firmware
4 - FastBoot = Disabled & Secure Boot = UEFI … BIOS message "Secure boot violation / Changes on firmware

I’ve tried to follow all the steps from several threads to solve the grub problem.
With the command ls I see all my drives and I locate the one I need.
It’s (hd6,gpt3).
I entered …

set boot=(hd6,gpt3)
set prefix=(hd6,gpt3)/boot/grub

Then, after …
insmod normal
The answer is again “symbol grub is lockdown not found
I think there shouldn’t be any answer after this last command.

Then I entered
And the answer is “unknown command

I have also tried to run Manjaro from a live usb. ¡Impossible!
The computer locks after showing the message “ventoy can’t access tty job control turned off

I was able to run the same usb live with Clonezilla OS and restored the M2 drive where I have my Manjaro Linux system but this has solved nothing.

I really don’t know what else to try.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

It seems Ventoy has problems with the Manjaro ISO.
I can start the Manjaro live OS from a usb boot ISO created with Rufus, not ventoy.

I have run the Manjaro OS and installed TimeShift.
I have recovered the last backup of the system that includes everything (grub, os, data …) but it has solved nothing.
I keep watching the grub-rescue lockdown message when I boot.

I guess the problem is in the BIOS.
I think I have tried all the possible combinations.

I don’t want to install the system again because I have a thousand programs installed and configured. It took me a lot of time to get everything like I wanted.

Finally I reinstalled the system without formatting any partition.
This recover the system but with many problems, for example, hundreds of duplicated packages …
Then I restore again the system with TimeShift.
Everything is back to normal.

Closing the thread because reinstalling is a non-solution. :man_shrugging: