Bigger cursors? KDE

72 isn’t enough sometimes. I don’t want a huge mouse pointer. Maybe a few bigger sizes.

It all depends on the cursor theme that you are using. I use the Bibata Extra Modern cursors & their maximum size is 96 pixels:

It looks like most, if not all, of the Bibata variants are available as 96x96:

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And bibata-cursor-theme is even in the repos, but i just tested and it seems to be limited to 72pt, at least the version from repos.

OK, i made some more tests. Seems like the 72 size is actually hardcoded in the XFCE mouse dialog. So if we have a cursor theme with 96px icons like bibata (in my last test i installed it from extracted to ~/.local/share/icons) then we have to manually set the size property, after selecting from the mouse preference.

xfconf-query --channel xsettings --property /Gtk/CursorThemeSize --set 96

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