Baloo is not indexing most files

Very good!

Baloo assumes too much and usually fails me when I want to search for something. One of the oldest tricks in the book is to install mlocate and then run updatedb in a terminal. Then do file name searches as locate <your_file_name>. If you pipe to grep you can further refine your search e.g., locate plasma | grep /home and you’ll basically filter all plasma hits to hits within /home.

But if you want some real find action look into fd. It’s dead simple and blazingly fast at traversing directories that are not indexed by mlocate e.g., fd -H <your_file_name> # -H means search hidden paths.

I do wish Baloo worked better than it currently does but I’ve unfortunately never had any good luck with it. If you really want to use Baloo, good luck. If you really want to find stuff use locate (piped to grep) and fd.