Automount path problem with makepkg

  1. A usb disk formatted as ntfs on Windows
  2. In Manjaro xfce, plug the usb disk, it is automounted as /run/media/aaa/D:\/
  3. If clone aur repo at the path, makepkg fails, for detailed error: Makepkg can’t pass checksum validation and package fails
  4. If clone aur repo at ~, makepkg succeeds
  5. If mounted the usb disk manually at /mnt, makepkg succeeds

step 4 & 5 proves that the problem is caused by the path (/run/media/aaa/D:\/)

19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Makepkg can’t pass checksum validation and package fails

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Makepkg can’t pass checksum validation and package fails

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