AUR rest 0.8.1 Will Not Complete Update After 12 Hours

Hi All,

rest update 0.8.1 has been running for over 12 hours and will not complete. How long does this update normally take?
Stuck here
Synchronizing package databases…

Refreshing AUR…
Cloning rest build files…

Any insight appreciated.



details are missing

update your list of mirrors first
before you try to use them to pull your updates from

easy to do via the pamac-manager GUI …

AUR references files from outside sources.
They might not be readily available at all times.

librest is available from the extra repository:

pamac info librest                                                                                                                                              ✔ 
Name                  : librest
Version               : 0.9.1-2
Description           : Library for accessing RESTful web services
URL                   :
Licenses              : LGPL
Repository            : extra
Installed Size        : 437.1 kB
Groups                : --
Depends On            : glib2 libxml2 libsoup3 json-glib
Optional Dependencies : --
Provides              :
Replaces              : --
Conflicts With        : --
Packager              : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
Build Date            : Wed 16 Nov 2022 09:40:25
Validated By          : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

The version from the AUR is the legacy version (0.8.1):

pamac info rest                                                                                                                                                 ✔ 
Name                  : rest
Version               : 0.8.1+r4+ge5ee6ef-3
Description           : Library for accessing RESTful web services (legacy)
URL                   :
Licenses              : LGPL2.1
Repository            : AUR
Groups                : --
Depends On            : glib2 glib2-devel libxml2 libsoup
Optional Dependencies : --
Make Dependencies     : gobject-introspection gtk-doc git
Check Dependencies    : --
Provides              :
Replaces              : --
Conflicts With        : --
Maintainer            : andreas_baumann
First Submitted       : Thu 22 Aug 2024 00:43:48
Last Modified         : Tue 24 Sep 2024 05:09:19
Votes                 : 5
Out of Date           : --

There’s nothing indicating build problems in the comments on the AUR page: AUR (en) - rest

Never rebuild custom packages while doing a system sync.

  1. ensure your mirrorlist is current
    pacman-mirrors --status
  2. sync system
    sudo pacman -Syu
  3. rebuild any custom packages
    pamac build <pkgname>
    pamac --upgrade --aur
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Thanks All,

Feels the same. Stuck on Cloning rest build files…

Can I uninstall and replace with something else?

[mymachine ~]$ pacman-mirrors --status
Local mirror status for stable branch
Mirror #1 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #2 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #3 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #4 OK 00:08 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #5 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #6 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #7 OK 00:08 United_States Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #8 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #9 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #10 OK 03:20 United_States Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #11 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #12 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #13 OK 00:08 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #14 OK 00:08 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #15 OK 00:19 United_States Index of /pub/manjaro
Mirror #16 OK 00:09 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #17 OK 00:08 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #18 OK 00:08 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #19 OK 01:18 United_States OCF Mirrors
Mirror #20 OK 05:53 United_States Index of /manjaro
[mymachine ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] password for m_ _ _ _ _ _:
:: Synchronizing package databases…
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade…
there is nothing to do
[mymachine ~]$ pamac build rest
Cloning rest build files…

I spot a gremlin here — using AUR packages isn’t officially supported on an up-to-date Arch or Manjaro system, but yours isn’t even up-to-date, or at least properly maintained. You could be using an outdated compiler, for example.

I’ll also add that not only do you need a current system to make proper use of the AUR, you also should be using at least the Testing branch; preferably Unstable.

The community repo was dropped over a year ago: pacdiff -o may provide some interesting results.

To remove these mogwai-descendents, you need to keep your system maintained!

change your mirrors - or update the mirror list

my mirror list was generated by:
sudo pacman-mirrors -c Germany


yay -S rest

works flawlessly and was finished in under a minute on my pretty slow system

no, I will not try
pamac build rest

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With regards to this, I’ll just leave this here:

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I’ll add that to my list of things to suggest! :wink:

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All of you are on a totally different level than most of us I think, and that is greatly appreciated.

I thought I was maintaining my system as this one has been rock solid since 2017. My maintenance approach is making sure nothing is sitting in the Updates tab of the Package Manager. When that does not work I go to the terminal. I will try the mirror change.

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Mine also is of about that vintage, on this system. But if I run:

[brian@BG-T440-MANJARO ~] $ pacdiff -o
[brian@BG-T440-MANJARO ~] $

… you’ll see that nothing shows up here for me. Did you run the above command on yours? :wink:

And you check/remove orphans, and new “foreign” packages that appear when they are dropped from Manjaro repositories (and sometimes also available in AUR making them then AUR packages when you updates from Pamac and have the AUR updates enabled)?

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Thank you. Doing it now.

Thank you omano. Removing orphans did the trick.




Not sure why I’m the solution, but I’ll take it :smiley:

I want to thank everyone for all the suggestions.



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