[ARM Testing Update] 2023-04-14 - Kernels, Plasma, Frameworks, Thunderbird, Firefox

I’m using Plasma on a Pinephone Pro. Things froze after the upgrade, but I was finally able to reboot it. However, I simply receive a message saying,

locker is broken and unlocking is not possible […] unlock it, switch to a virtual terminal (e.g.Ct […] in to your account and execute the command

loginctl unlock-session c1

out of the virtual session by pressing Ctrl+D, a […] back to the running session (Ctrl+Alt+F2). […] have forgotten the instructions, you can get […] screen by pressing CTRL+ALT+Fc1

Note, the message is truncated, in that it doesn’t fully fit the width of the Pinephone Pro screen. I’ve indicated where it’s cut off with the “[…]” notation.

I have no clue how to fix this.


I tried with the keyboard, and I did get into the virtual session (Ctrl+Fn+Alt+F2). So, I’m able to run commands there. But, I’m not sure what to do. I did run the command (both with sudo and just with my regular user) “loginctl unlock-session c1”. I then tried rebooting, but no luck. I tried “Ctrl+D”, which threw me out of the virtual session. I then went back into the session, though not via Ctrl+Fn+Alt+F2, but rather by logging back in. I’m not sure what “Fc1” is referring to. I tried Ctrl+Alt+Fn+F1, which leads to the KDE symbol, but it’s simply frozen (I then returned to terminal F2). I tried rerunning the update command (sudo pacman -Syyu), but it simply read, “there is nothing to do” (I did get WiFi working with nmtui).