[ARM Stable Update] 2023-09-28 - Kernels, LibPamac, KDE, Gnome, Firefox, Pipewire, Thunderbird

The issue is that stable has pretty much become synonymous with “previous testing” in Manjaro ARM.

How things should work is that:

  1. things enter testing,
  2. regressions are found there by testers (which is already the first issue we are having, e.g., I have not seen a single report of this regression in the previous stable update in unstable or testing, it was first found in stable by me, and had to be fixed in all 3 branches after my report),
  3. regressions are quickly fixed in testing (which is another issue, e.g., for the current Chromium breakage, the issue was just punted to ALARM), and
  4. once the known regressions are fixed, the update moves to stable.

How things actually work is that:

  1. things enter testing,
  2. several issues stay unnoticed due to lack of testers (see above),
  3. those that are noticed are sometimes not fixed for weeks due to lack of packagers (e.g. the current one),
  4. then at some point a new testing update is ready, so at that point, in order to make room for it in testing, the current testing is flushed to stable, whether it actually works or not.

This kinda defeats the point of stable.

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