[ARM Stable Update] 2023-07-08 - Kernels, KDE Frameworks, systemd, LibreOffice, Pipewire, (Community to Extra Migration)

Fixed with chatty 0.7.3-2.0 coming along soon.

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Thanks @Yochanan. Looking forward to it.

The spacebar-23.01.0-3 build that was pushed today does not launch at all, due to a missing symbol, similar to the chatty one (if not the exact same one). Downgrading to spacebar-23.01.0-1 fixes it. You probably need to rebuild spacebar against the stable packages as you did with chatty.

On the plus side, the plasma-mobile-5.27.7-1 build that was pushed at the same time seems to work.

I just pushed pkgrel 4. Please try again. Thank you.


Done. Works. Thanks!

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