Wallpaper goes blank after reboot

  • I’ve got my wallpaper stored on my main drive, under ~/Pictures/wallpaper.
  • I set my wallpaper using nitrogen --set-zoom-fill ~/Pictures/wallpaper/wp1.jpg
  • All is good, until reboot. Then my wallpaper is reset back to Manjaro’s default wallpaper.

The common issue causing this problem is that the drive the wallpaper resides on is not available on system startup. However, that is not the case for me. I can’t see why the wallpaper is reset on every reboot. Any ideas, anyone?

I’ve also tried using different wallpapers, and having them stored under /usr/share/backgrounds/. No luck.


Set the wallpaper trough nitrogen UI and make sure in your i3 config you still have the entry:

exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore; sleep 1; compton -b
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Did you read the manual?

man nitrogen


       In  normal working mode, provides an interface which displays all pictures in the given DI‐
       RECTORY.  From this interface, it is possible to set the X11 root pixmap either temporarily
       or set and store the picture, drawing mode, and X display for restoration later.  If no di‐
       rectory is specified, it uses the stored directories in your "library" (as of 1.5). See the
       Preferences dialog.

       When the --restore option is passed, nitrogen sets all backgrounds that it has a configura‐
       tion for and exits immediately, for use in an .xinitrc or .xsession file.

There is no issue, since it works that way. You need to restore the set wallpaper on every boot.

There is no issue, since it works that way. You need to restore the set wallpaper on every boot.

Not sure why, but I had to use the Nitrogen UI for setting the wallpaper, before restoring worked.

Thanks a lot, @bogdancovaciu!

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