As far as I can see, apparmor is not a dependency of audit. I don’t have apparmor installed, but I have audit installed (which seems to be a critical system package). It is the other way around, apparmor REQUIRES audit.
sudo pacman -Rcns apparmor
checking dependencies...
:: pamac-gtk3 optionally requires libpamac-snap-plugin: for Snap support
Packages (4) libpamac-snap-plugin-11.6.4+2+g1421283-1 snapd-2.63-1
squashfs-tools-4.6.1-2 apparmor-3.1.7-3
Total Removed Size: 68.83 MiB
:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] ^C
Post in English and full terminal because we don’t even know what you did to have this output (which I can’t read).
LANG=C whateverCommandHere
//EDIT: post above edited. So libpamac-snap-plugin requires snapd which requires apparmor (and squashfs-tools). So if you remove apparmor you need to remove all of them.
I would say to get back on topic, don’t use kernels that don’t work for your use case if a package you require don’t work with it (which we don’t know what breaks, you mentioned no information about that besides “I already have investigated into this issue”).