Albert not working as expected

Good morning Manjaro world,

I just installed albert and set the hot key to ctrl + space enabled files, applications and terminal extensions and checked the autostart box I then rebooted and albert appeared in the top panel but wouldn’t open when I hit the hot keys. But if I open chrome and then hit the hot keys albert’s search bar opens and when I’m on my desk top albert’s search bar won’t open.

Also I created a .xprofile and added /usr/bin/albert &

I just don’t understand why albert is activated and working whilst I’m on chrome but doesn’t work whilst I’m on my desktop.

any ideas, am I missing something?

Maybe you need extensions? Albert - Extensions

You don’t need anything in xprofile - just ensure xdg-utils package is installed

Just launch Albert - if you configure albert to autostart - an desktop file is created in ~/.config/autostart

That should be all

Thank you both for your replies. Tomek I have 3 extensions enabled: Applications, files and terminal.

Linux aarhus I deleted my .xprofile, I already had xdg-utils installed and there is ~/.config/autostart/albert.desktop in existence.

I changed the hot keys to Alt + space bar and in gnome keyboard shortcuts I disabled those keys as they were bound to something else.

still albert’s search bar is only launched by the hot keys when I’m on chrome not when I’m on anything else.

I just tried with libre office, files, Manjaro hello, cheese, gnome-termianl, or just on my desktop. With all the before mentioned programs albert doesn’t launch.

when I’m on chrome or gimp albert launches.

Its strange I don’t know.

I know there’s the option of gnome’s search function with the windows key, but If it’s possible I’d like to get this fixed as I do prefer albert. Albert doesn’t display all opened programs on the screen.

I followed Tomek’s link to github. I’ve only ever used the git clone command with an AUR link to build AUR packages. If I used git clone with the link from github what am I doing? And I’m assuming I don’t need to run makepkg -si ?

Check you do not have a conflicting hotkey set somewhere.

I have been using Albert - on/off - for years - never seen this behavour - but my system is uncomplicated - running Openbox Window Manager.

I did already check I didn’t have conflicting keys that’s why I changed it to something that I knew was in use meaning Alt + space and disabled that in keyboard shortcuts.

Maybe I’ll just have to forgo using albert

This is used for the window menu - ctrl + space is not used for any thing.

I disabled Alt+space so it’s not used for window menu anymore. Anyway I first applied the hot keys to Ctrl + space and I still had the same behaviour.

Albert works fine.

You have not mentioned anything on the environment you are using and Discourse mind reader plugin is disabled.

I am very sure it is local to your system and you are the only person who really know that system.

I have mentioned everything I know about to mention with the knowledge that I have. If there is something you know with the knowledge you have you could ask me and I would provide it.

The environment I’m using is a fresh install of Manjaro with gnome. But that information is in my profile.

I thought people were meant to be polite on this forum you saying Discourse mind reader plugin is quite rude. I just thought I’d tell you that as I’m assuming you didn’t know that was rude.

Regarding the other question I posted related to the USB that you replied with a link. I did check the forum before I posted and my question was not answered and my question was not answered in the link you pasted. So I don’t know why the post was closed.

If you don’t want to help people why do you reply? and snarky comments don’t help anyone.

If this is meant to be a place where people can ask questions and learn about linux you are not helping to achieve that goal.

I am polite - I am just using humor to inform you that are leaving out information - which may help in deducting why the app behaves different on your system.

Your question is on how to create a bootable USB - the link provided tells you that - and because that topic has been asked and answered numerous times - there is really no reason to waste the members time.

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