Additional ARM Packages

I have seen others inquire concerning a read only file system. I installed raspberry-overlayroot-git from the AUR. No clue if it is still maintained. However, it works nicely and would think it or something similar would be a great addition to the repo.

Edit: Actually, that -git is out of date. How is that? I thought a -git pulled the latest version?
But anyway, here it is on github

Maybe they’ve used #tag=$pkgver at the end of Git repo URL in the source field to fix it to a release version, like this.

For a while now, I’ve been maintaining the ARM version on Vivaldi on the AUR (AUR (en) - vivaldi-arm-bin). I’ve tried to get this package included upstream in the Arch Linux repos, and notified the Arch forums about the problems with the existing package, but no-one ever replied to me:

I was wondering whether anyone here could take a look at the PKGBUILD + *.install file, provide some feedback, and potentially include the package in the Manjaro ARM repos if there’s any interest.

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1 bit of feedback only “packagers” care about is how frequent the updates are in upstream.

Chromium based browsers have a tendency to update often. Sometimes multiple times per week.
So, how often does upstream release a new version of the browser?

We would also need written permission from the Vivaldi team to redistribute the binaries.

Looks kind of erratic. But roughly 2–3x a month. Out of interest, would written permission granted to Manjaro x86_64 extend to Manjaro ARM, as Vivaldi is already in their repos?

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No, because it’s a separate package, that we have to maintain. If we could use the regular package then yes, it would extend, I think.

We got permission to get Vivaldi in our repository, so I packaged it up (based on your PKGBUILD in AUR) and added it to our unstable branch just now.


Thanks Strit. Have to see if there’s any interest in it.

I have tested the Vivaldi package and I think it runs better on an RPi4 than the basic Chromium package. For me, Firefox is still the better option as it seems to place a lesser load on the RPi4, but Vivaldi with hardware acceleration enabled, is not too far off of the mark.


Thanks for testing. :slight_smile:

im in unstable repos, how to enable kde-unstable repos?

If you are in arm-unstable, you will get the arm-unstable version by a simple mirror sync and update. But maybe you are referring to the git version?
To install the git version, I ran:

$ sudo pacman -Syu plasma-desktop-git

no, there is a sub-repos call kde-unstable under unstable repos.
core extra community kde-unstable.

As there seems to be several Argon One case owners, maybe this MIT Licensed software could be added to the repo? I assume it can be built on Manjaro.

Any chance for alternate firmware for the RPi4 to be added to the repo? I was not able to find this in the AUR.

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I am not sure that I have seen this emulator mentioned here. Maybe it can be of some use. It claims to be able to run at least some 64 bit apps.

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Seems to be present in the AUR.

We currently have no plans to support UEFI on the Rasbperry Pi.

First release of this was in January, so it’s still really new. It looks to be in very active development though. :wink:
I would expect it to pop up in the AUR at some point though.

Could you please update this package ?

The 1.54.3 was published Release February 2021 Recovery 3 · microsoft/vscode · GitHub

Sure. I am in the process of compiling the new 5.11 and 5.12 kernels to make packages. I will do that afterwards. Today is my going to town for groceries day so I may not get to it until later on tonight.

Don’t worry ! I’m not in a hurry but I’ve seen upgrade on my windows pc and I’ve write this post to remind that there are news.

By the way, how to install i18n with code ? On my windows pc I didn’t do anything and I have a localized version. It’s not really an issue for me but I have a young kid who try to code with python and it can help to have a localized app.