Add/Remove Software seg fault/not showing

Hi @peter-kehl, it seems I have just solved the issue on my Cinnamon desktop!

Resetting Cinnamon to default settings seems to have done the trick!
Doing this removed all my applets, but also made the bottom panel back to its original (much larger) size. As soon that was done, pamac-manager worked again.

I then added my applets back, one after the other, checking each time if pamac-manager was still working, and it was, so my conclusion for now is that the problem (at least here) was with the panel size (that indeed I made smaller a long time ago)…
I even rebooted a few times since, and it’s still working as expected, so that seems solved for good in my case!

If you haven’t done it already, perhaps you could try resetting your Gnome desktop settings to default, just to see if it helps? It might be worth a try…

EDIT: sadly, it seems that it was only a temporary fix!
After 6 days working as expected, pamac-manager started to segfault again :frowning:
I didn’t change anything on my system since then, the only noticeable event was an update of Firefox and Chromium yesterday…