Acer Swift 3 - battery issues - add Kernel parameters

Now proceed with this command → output?

no you would be addresing the fixed audio issue again with the lsmod …

and do you have actually a problem with the battery?
or do you just go by the widget indicator predictions?
how long does your battery actually last?

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It the manufacturer states 9 hours I have a hunch it isn’t going to last that long, especially under the stress of, say, Skype and FF with 100 tabs even with AutoTabDiscard ON.

However, when I see the % going down one by one almost by the minute with 1 tab opened in Firefox, I have a feeling something is not properly configured / when compared to the performance of 6-year-old Dell/ when compared to the way laptop behaves under Windows 11.

I am doing the testing, will report asap :slight_smile:

Extremely preoccupied…

If the battery reaches 94-98% on AC, then it’s unplugged. After 10hours on IDLE/ SLEEP with no work or play, the Battery indicator says: 70%

Isn’t it too steep of a decline?

I am on Kernel 5.19 current version with auto-cpufreq installed (hopefully properly)