Ability to save overal KDE and Gnome looks into one file and smuggle it up to installer usb

Ability to save overal KDE and Gnome looks into one file and smuggle it up to installer usb so somebody can pick from pre-aligned design looks by doubleclicking themes in installer.

I want to install theme by doubleclick, that’s for sure. Download and doubleclick. Theme, icons, fonts and their configs, all by archived doubleclick stored in a one file also with wallpaper, and when you doubleclick, you uncheck select boxes you don’t want to update. So it’s something more “sendable”. It’s simple. Archive that contains .themetransfer hidden file will be automatically opened as theme.

This should be asked to the developers of the Desktop Environments.

No. It’s packing up of free.desktop.org variable and associated theme files and extracting them and setting variable. It’s easy to do, and better to do with one software for both enviroments.

This has already been done - the settings and their dependencies is in the manjaro-<desktop>-settings packages found in the repo.

You can already do that on Pling aka KDE Look, GNOME Look, etc. Either install Pling-Store or ocs-url from the AUR for use in your browser.

@linux-aarhus @Yochanan , you have not understood what the gentleman is asking for :slight_smile:

@mnini is asking for a way to Save his/her actual DE’s settings into One file, this file can later on be used to replicate his actual setup: themes/widgets etc.

the package manjaro-<desktop>-settings doesn’t do that,
the pling website neither,

@mnini : I think what can help you for now for a start is:

make a tar ball of .config/plasma* … for example …
and grep the theme’s name from pacman’s db or log …

then feed the information to a little script: untar de conf. + install the themes/widgets

This not a/the solution, but an embryo of what can be done/ example … :slight_smile:

And a little harder way, if you want it in the Installer’s USB image, is to use Manjaro dev/iso tools, where you can “recompile” a spin of manjaro with your own Desktop Choice and Look :wink: