A resolution problem


~> ping -c 3 nixos.org
PING nixos.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- nixos.org ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2026ms

exit 1

I remember that this is a Manjaro forum, but I have NixOS on QEMU/KVM, and the ping above is executed on Manjaro host, so the question should be legitimate.

Note: nixos.org has no trouble opening in a browser. I did some research, resolution problems aren’t unknown.

My problem is my ignorance. I can’t understand what they’re talking about.

I asked Phind for help, specifically for Manjaro. Following the advice I even didn’t break anything :blush: . No gain either, though.

sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd

It was a shot in the dark, actually. I don’t know where to start with the problem. Please, help!

Whatever “aren’t unknown” may mean.

We don’t know what is whom talking about.

You seem to have a problem pertaining to NixOs (in your VM)

reddit is … some research …
don’t they have a forum for their OS - like this one here? :wink:

Most distros use NetworkManager …

Yes, I can’t use a channel in my NixOS in VM, but the ping won’t pass on my Manjaro host too, as I noted specifically. So it’s a legitimate problem. Here there’s even a recipe:

I generally add a non-ISP DNS server to my routers to avoid this scenario.

I can’t understand a word from it :blush: . Please, be patient with me.

  1. On my Manjaro host I can see nixos.org in a browser.
  2. On my Manjaro host I ping nixos.org unsuccessfully.

I suppose there’s something wrong, NixOS or no NixOS. Is it correct?

That doesn’t mean anything.

Sounds like an XY problem.

What is the issue?
(of course that would mean to describe the problem you have in NixOS VM
but perhaps someone here could help with it regardless)

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Do you mean that a good site has a right to ignore pinging?

Anyone can drop pings, it depends on the admin. The infrastructure between you and the site should allow it through though.

My answer would be:
your question is malformed - perhaps influenced by misconceptions about how the web works.

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your question is malformed

Sure it is. If I only new how to put it better.

You can do a tiny bit of help right now, though. Could you just

$ ping -c 3 nixos.org

from where you are? The result can cut some options.

that address can’t be pinged

What does that mean?
nothing, really …

What actual problem do you have?

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It means a tiny bit: ping is the wrong instrument.

My problem in VM:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade 
warning: unable to download 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-21.11': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 326 ms
warning: unable to download 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-21.11': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 678 ms 
warning: unable to download 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-21.11': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 1107 ms
warning: unable to download 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-21.11': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 2664 ms
error: unable to download 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-21.11': Couldn't resolve host name (6)

It should read:
“My problem in NixOS” with what appears to be some upgrade command …

… which I do not know anything about

I have never used (and don’t intend to use) NixOS.

… which is, apparently, “just” a package manager - not an OS in itself …

… it’s like pacman or pamac failing because the mirrors are not up to date
is what it looks like to me …

If the URL is correct then it looks like it could be a problem with your VM’s internet or DNS. :man_shrugging:

Can you ping www.google.com in the VM? It doesn’t have to be google, just a site you can ping successfully in the host. If that works then you’re probably better off asking in the nixos forum (I assume they have one).

Yes, I can.

As I already said, the trouble is of generic nature, or so I gather. They even give recipes like “I generally add a non-ISP DNS server to my routers to avoid this scenario”, which I simply don’t understand :blush:

Could you decipher this one to me? As I said, I’m shamefully ignorant in this field…

That means using a public DNS such as OpenDNS, Google DNS, Cloudflare DNS etc. Here are a couple of good lists:

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