### Please forgive me. But i am having a hard time in creating an easy to use [HowTo] **1st i asked:** *Is there a usable offline-Editor with Wysiwyg with the same syntax as the forum ?* Later then i realized that there are a lot of limitations for writing a usable [HowTo] I would have liked to distinguish between commands the reader has to type, and the results the commands produced on my side as example what to expect. #### An simple example: > **fsck.ext4 /dev/sdz3** ``` e2fsck 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021) /dev/sdz3: sauber, 219881/3891200 Dateien, 1312455/15541243 Blöcke ``` * This way i can set the command to **bold**. But the box does not show a button to copy to the clipboard (with the mouse and CTRL-c you can). And it does not expand if the line is very long. But some commands are long. * Then the 2. box does show a button to copy, and it expands if the line is long. * But i can't use **bold** to mark something. And even worse, it happens to colorize the text in its own way (and not according to shell syntax). Like the numbers in (28-Feb-2021). #### or i could have used: ``` fsck.ext4 /dev/sdz3 e2fsck 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021) /dev/sdz3: sauber, 219881/3891200 Dateien, 1312455/15541243 Blöcke ``` * This way long lines are possible * The copy-symbol is visible * But i can't highlight anything * And the system will color the text, but i don't see how this coloring is useful to understanding. It seems not to respect the syntax of bash. * Even worse, when i copy the box, i will get the command, and the results in one block. This is not good for newcomers. ### What i expected: * A **box1** for shell-commands with (narrow) monospace-font, huge length, copy-button and lightly different coloring of the background. * A **box2** for the results with or without copy button, (narrow) monospace-font, huge length and lightly different coloring from 1. box * selectable **syntax highlighting** like for example in [trac](https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiProcessors#Examples) so that you can specify wehter the text is * none = plain text * Shell (bash, zsh, csh) * C, C++ * Java (maybe) ;-) ### or even better: * A box where 1.line is as **box1**, and all following lines are of **box2**. The **copy-button** would supply only 1.line, but with mouse and CTRL-c you could get also the other text. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ---- #### Another one: the command > **lsblk** will produce > NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS > >... > >sdz 8:32 1 59,5G 0 disk >├─sdz1 8:33 1 250M 0 part >├─sdz2 8:34 1 1M 0 part >└─**sdz3** 8:35 1 59,3G 0 part >sdy 8:48 1 14,7G 0 disk >├─sdy1 8:49 1 250M 0 part >├─sdy2 8:50 1 1M 0 part >└─sdy3 8:51 1 14,5G 0 part then you have to alter the following commd by replacing z with the letter for your device > ls -lA /dev/disk/by-uuid |egrep '**z**3$' and you will get ``` lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 19. Jun 07:58 1a488830-65f7-4913-bf4d-dfe3f3ab5634 -> ../../sdz3 ``` I want to show the reader, that he has to change **z3$** in the grep so that the letter **z** is to be replaced by a letter he found previously in the response to lsblk. Then he has to copy the PARTUUID. But i can't highlight it. The best way as i see would be, to highlight the letter **z** in the response and later on in the command, and to describe to change the yellow part of the command according to the device-name from lsblk ![image|385x247](upload://2bKXHVlfuLD1QxetDOvT5Q8Vopk.png) ![image|690x45](upload://7lOUGp0fuOwS2yihUYsDDFqOXdr.png) So the reader would not forget to alter the command accordingly. Then i could describe that he has to watch for the **green** PARTUUID But because of the lack of possibilities, i don' see a way to do this. --- Is there a way i don't recognize ? Or should i write these parts in libre office, and insert screenshots like i did this time ? Please be patient. This is not my native language