**Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆** ## Description Some system updates **will** require you to restart your system. Packages includes microcode, kernel, driver, xorg and systemd as likely candidates. Below is a list of packages which may warrent a system restart. If you can think of other packages to include in the check just add the package(s) to the **$reboot** regex in the script. * ucode * cryptsetup * linux * nvidia * mesa * systemd * wayland * xf86-video * xorg ## Utility script The script calls the `checkupdates` script - and `yay` if installed - and uses regular expression to suggest a possible system restart. ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash reboot="(ucode|cryptsetup|linux|nvidia|mesa|systemd|wayland|xf86-video|xorg)" if [[ $(which yay) =~ (yay) ]]; then updates=$(checkupdates; yay -Qua) else updates=$(checkupdates) fi echo "$updates" if [[ $updates =~ $reboot ]]; then echo "Updating possibly requires system restart ..." fi ``` ## Usage As noted in comments the check is very broad and not intended by any means to be authoritative - it only serves the purpose of suggesting - before updates are installed - if system restart could be necessary. ## Credit and inspiration Inspiration from @Kresimir and EndeavourOS forum [[1]] [[2]] and the resulting script [[3]] [1]: https://forum.endeavouros.com/t/check-if-a-reboot-is-neccessary/7092/37?u=linux-aarhus [2]: https://forum.endeavouros.com/t/random-question-how-often-do-you-update-your-packages/7317/13?u=linux-aarhus [3]: https://forum.endeavouros.com/t/random-question-how-often-do-you-update-your-packages/7317/40?u=linux-aarhus